Monday, November 24, 2014

Ectocomp2014 - Quick Reviews

Following, my thoughts on the latest Ectocomp, which I was part of with a sublime waste of time (for the players).

You can find the games in a single .zip here.

Here's the votes as I sent them to the organizers. They are not proper reviews (just a line or two of impressions and a single word of mockery at the end), but you don't get a proper review from me anyway, so why bother?

Another Cliched Adventure Game (ACAG), by David Whyld

Succeeds in cracking a smile, here and there. Unapologetic.

Candlesmoke, by Caelyn Sandel and Carolyn VanEseltine

Well done and narrated. I’ve got a sense of spatial reasoning, and that was cool. Demoniacal.

Candy Rush Saga, by Andrew Schultz

Andrew never fails at delivering a puzzle. Old-style, but inventive in the setting. Nine is the new Fifteen.

Carriage Returns, by David Good

Got the RHPS references. But the end is too fast (although I understand this is not a comment which can do justice to a SpeedIF). Welcome back on the field, Dave! Let’s do the time warp!

Character Creator, by Erin Gigglecreek

Some of the results in “dressing up” myself gave me the goosebumps. Trypophobia.

Choose Your Own SPOOKY Death, by Healy

Not bad. But “unfinished” means “cheating”, here. (Ok, I’m joking!). Latecomer.

City of the Living Dead, by Tanah Atkinson

Reminded me of Begscape. Is it random-generated? Cardinal.

Devil's Food, by Hanon Ondricek

Impressive fantasy at work, here. While I loved setting, prose and the game itself, I surely hated the timed events. I can’t read that fast! Delicious.

Eclosion, by Buster Hudson

Nice graphics. The game… I don’t think I found a good ending. Is there one? Viral.

First Person, by Buster Hudson

Man, I LOVED the voice. The narrating character is cool, and the monologue-feeling was unique. Escaping is a bit too easy, though. Bones!

A Fly on the Wall, by Nigel Jayne

I’m impressed by what one can achieve in 3 hrs. Interesting, and this looks way bigger than it really is. Professional.

halloween candy triage simulator 2014 by j. marie

Reminds me of an old joke about a boy who unwraps a candy. And then another, and then another. In the end the listener gets to ask: “so what?”. Untranslatable (from Italian. The joke, I mean.)*

IDSPISPOPD, by Christopher Brent
(not played, due to browser problems)

It Is Pitch Black, by Caelyn Sandel

Well, a complete text adventure, with a map, a sprawling puzzle and some top-notch writing. I almost forgot it was made with Twine. Old-fashioned.

Lime Ergot, by Rust Blight

Incredible atmosphere and a good story told in just one room. I was almost surprised by the finale. Perfectly delivered. Sour.

LISEY, by Marco Innocenti
It’s me, Sandra Dee!

The Voodoo You Do 2, by Marshal Tenner Winter

I could fee the damp. Loved the atmosphere. MTW got the right voice for the right piece. Tongue-twister.

Wedding Day, by E. Joyce

Well recounted, it took me to the ending without me noticing what was happening. Probably the most frightening game in this Ectocomp. Twilight zone.

The Weird Mirror, by M.J. Antonellis

Feels incomplete. I’d like to know more about the man's revenge, and what does this all mean. A post-comp release is most needed. Cliffhanger.


* The untranslatable joke, in original language (Florentine dialect):

—Un omino piglia una caramella, la scarta e la mangia. Un omino piglia una caramella, la scarta e la mangia. Un omino piglia una caramella, la scarta e la mangia. Un omino piglia una caramella, la scarta e la mangia. Un omino piglia una caramella, la scarta e la mangia. Un omino piglia una caramella, la scarta e la mangia...

—Sì, ok, e d'icché la sa?  [la battuta, ovviamente]

—Di menta!

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